The Forbidden Tale

Alana is a curious and determined farm girl that resides in the New Kingdom. Her resilient nature and unequivocal willpower leads her through a terrain of colossal magnitude. As chaos encompasses the New Kingdom with terror, she finds herself drawn to a mystical energy that leads her right in the center of the clash of two worlds.
King Cornivorus

King Cornivorus : Malevolent in nature with an unwavering passion for conquest. Backed up by his own Cyberian army. The king along with his unruly thirst for power seeks to conquer the Forbidden Kingdom. Blinded by rage he will stop at nothing to take control.
The Queen

The Queen is the leader of the Thereons. She possesses and protects a mystical power handed down from generations. The Queen and her army will relentlessly guard their Kingdom from King Cornivorus and his Cyberian army at any cost necessary. She is backed up by an army of Thereons and guards information that can unveil buried secrets, she will stop at nothing to make sure her Kingdom remains safe

Quil is a rooftop worker that builds and fixes the roofs of the elite that reside in the New Kingdom. Longing for a better life, he joins the Cyberian army in hopes of upgrading to a life of wealth. Unknowing to all what is to unleash. Which side will he choose?
The Beast

The Beast is a conjecture of King Cornivorus, aiding him in his conquest of the Forbidden Kingdom. Mechanically enhanced, it fears nothing and no one. It will do King Cornivorus’ will at command.
The Dragon

The Dragon is Forbidden Kingdom’s oldest and most powerful inhabitant. It lives to protect its life source and has the capacity to wield the mystical energy surrounding and upholding the Forbidden Kingdom, in its rawest and truest form.

Aquila is a winged Thereon, he is strong and wise, and has served as a soldier for multiple battles. His allegiance is deeply rooted to his morals.

Bellona is a mighty centaur and a high ranking Thereon warrior. He is the Queen’s counselor and will stop at nothing to fulfill his duty.
The Writer

The Writer holds everyone’s fates by a thread, he is wise beyond his years and unfolds the events taking place in the Forbidden Kingdom.
The Phoenix

A malevolent Phoenix, once a harbinger of destruction, was banished to the desolate realms for unleashing chaos upon the lands. Now, fueled by centuries of resentment, it seeks a way to break free from its exile and spread its malefic flames once more.
The Orb

The Orb is an organic sphere composed of normal matter, ‘dark matter’, and ‘dark energy.’ Whoever possesses it can create unique abilities based on their personalities such as teleporting, emitting energy, and revitalizing.
Fully Transformed Alana

After Alana infuses with all 4 primeval dragons, she is transformed into an ultimate Therian creature.
The Air Dragon

The air dragon is the last of the 4 elemental dragons that Alana fuses with to fulfill her final destiny of becoming the ultimate Therian that helps bring peace to the New and Forbidden Kingdom.
Counselor of the King

A tall thin man in robes of black. He had a sleek, black goatee and a tall hat which denoted his position.
Wolf Giant

A huge rock textured creature that resembles a wolf.
Mystic Elder

An aged woman with a close connection to the spirit world. Long gray hair, covered by a colorful robe.